"Ordinary life does not interest me. I seek only the high moments. I am in accord with the surrealists, searching for the marvelous." ~Anais Nin

31 December 2015

Goals for 2016

By Eric Kilby, Exploding Flower Bed. via Wikimedia Commons

It's New Year's Eve, a time many people traditionally spend getting wasted and making promises to themselves they don't really intend to keep.  Usually involving weight loss.  I, myself, have been guilty of this in the past.  Well, not the getting wasted part.  Not in years and years and years anyway. This year I'm trying something different.

This year my resolutions are simpler, mere goals, really, and mostly to continue what I've already begun:

  1. To continue Poetry Wednesdays—and write and publish at least one poem here on this blog every Wednesday.
  2. To restart start Fiction Friday—in which I publish a short story here on this blog the final Friday of every month. (I even have some stories started).
  3. To finish my bedroom.
  4. To follow my own studies.
  5. To regularly update my other blogs.
This is not to say that I don't have goals that I don't expect to meet.  They follow:
  1. To find a full time job—if I've been taught anything in these last 3 years of searching, I've been taught that I'm practically unhireable, but I'll keep trying.  I do need to support myself after all.
  2. To get on a regular sleep schedule—yeah, this probably isn't happening, but I'm going to try anyway.  I'll try to get to bed no later than midnight (unless something interesting is going on) and awaken no later than 9am.  If I find a job it'll be easier since I'll likely have to be at work before 9 anyway.
  3. To regulate my eating schedule—right now I eat at very odd times: at 3pm I have my big meal, then I eat again, though less, at 9pm and 11pm.  I'd like not to eat so late at night, but I suppose that all depends on the rest of my day's schedule. . . 
So, that's it.  My plans thus far for next year.

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