"Ordinary life does not interest me. I seek only the high moments. I am in accord with the surrealists, searching for the marvelous." ~Anais Nin

01 September 2015


Okay, so I know I missed my first Fiction Friday.  Not a very auspicious beginning, huh?  I was on visiting friends, my story wasn't finished, and I thought it'd be rude to lock myself in their guest room to write for hours on end.  So, as with last weeks Poetry Wednesday, this month you'll get two stories.  The first will come this Friday, and the second at the regular time (last Friday of the month).  Until then, here's an update on me:

In an effort bring balance to my life I feel the need to go to extremes.  Don't worry, this post will make more sense as I continue.  Hopefully.

I recently discovered something about myself: while meandering through a short story, I realized that I need to write everything longhand first.  Weird, right?  It's annoyingly archaic, or seems so, but I can't wrap my head around a story unless I write it first, before I type it.  I revise when it's being typed, and the story is stronger for it, but I've got to write it out first.

It make sense, I guess.  Though I am considered a member of the Millennial generation I am on the upper end of that age bracket.  I remember a time before computers were in common use, though my schools always had them.  That I remember, anyway.  My family was/is considered middle class, but we're on the lower end of that bracket too, and we didn't get a computer of our own until my last year of high school.  My brain connects better pen to paper than fingers to keys.

So things are progressing slowly, and maybe always will.  Maybe old-fashion's a good thing.

We'll see.

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