"Ordinary life does not interest me. I seek only the high moments. I am in accord with the surrealists, searching for the marvelous." ~Anais Nin

16 September 2015

Poetry Wednesday #7

London Thoughts

I can feel the weight of you, the age of you, in your buildings and narrow
streets.  Yet, you are thoroughly modern in aptitude and character.  Your structures
scrape the sky and illuminate the night.  I wonder how long it's been
since you last saw the stars, and if you miss them.

Parks sprout among the streets and buildings like weeds through a crack in the
sidewalk.  Blossoming out of nowhere.  Every day I visit one to people watch
and get a brief respite from all the asphalt, concrete, and steel.  I whisper their
names to myself, invoking the spirits of nature and beauty: Kensington Gardens,
Hyde Park, Green Park, St. James' Park, Regent's Park.  On and on and on.  They
call to me.  I cannot resist.

You are not wild anymore, if ever you were.  The Romans tamed you,
and the Saxons, and the Normans, etc.  Then, you 
travelled outwards, building empires and bringing back bits of cultures
that appealed to you.  Would the you of the past recognize the you of the
present?  It's been a long time since Londinium shortened it's name.

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