The Meeting of Oberon and Titania by Arthur Rackham [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons |
I realized today that I one of the things that I've lost through the years—whether from depression or the cynicism that comes with age, I'll never know—is my sense of wonder. That I used to be able to look out upon the world with both wonder and expectation is something of a surprise to me, as I feel as though I've always been the way I am now, you know? But I remember, sometimes, the wonder and the awe that I once found. I remember the feeling that anything was possible, everything was possible. And then something happened and I lost it.
How did I let that happen? How did I let my life dull? How did I let my future become something that I wasn't looking forward to seeing? I just don't understand how I got so lost . . .
It's time to reclaim that sense that I once had. I'm not entirely certain how to do it, but I'm going to try. I have to try, because, for me, with wonder comes both joy and possibilities, and I so desperately need both in my life right now.
So how do you find wonder? I'm starting–as is appropriate for a librarian–with books. This summer I'm going to reread my favorite books from my youth. Books I haven't read in years. Books that made me look at the world a little differently, and made me notice things that maybe I wouldn't have noticed otherwise. Books that changed my way of thinking about things. Books that are filled with hope and joy and magic, at least for me.
Of course reading is not enough. I'm going to have to
do as well. So, I'm going to explore things I haven't explored since before I wandered off to university and learned to dissect the things I loved and write about the process. That means writing, drawing, Shakespeare, faery tales, dancing, hiking, people-watching, yoga, and music. I was a fair hand with a violin until my last year of high school when I quit because I couldn't fit orchestra into my schedule. I also used to draw and doodle. And make up stories about people I saw on the street. Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. And while I have no violin and no way to afford it or the lessons I surely need now, I do have a penny whistle I bought on a lark about 10 years ago, and have been meaning to learn how to play. Also expect more poetry to show up here, though probably not on so regular a basis as my
Poetry Wednesdays from a while back.
I'm going to work on things like storytelling (that is: the telling of tales aloud), and languages (Irish and Mandarin), and make a concerted effort to be positive. Maybe I'll take my queue from the Queen in
Alice in Wonderland and try to believe in six impossible things before breakfast. Mostly, though, I think I'll focus on what makes me happy, letting my sorrows wither from lack of attention.
I have to believe that life will work out for the best, and things happen for a reason. I have to believe that my luck will change for the better. I have to rediscover my dreams and find the path I abandoned for whatever reason so long ago. To do otherwise would have me withering, and that I cannot tolerate. I refuse to be crushed by mundanities. I will find my wonder, my path, and I will live. No more of this surviving crap, it's just not cutting it.
This is going to take a really long time, isn't it? Crap.