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Second: As of today I've gone four full weeks without a cigarette. I'm super excited about it! Seriously. I've been trying to quit smoking for years and I've never been this long without before. I won't say I've kicked my addiction, but I'm pretty sure I can refrain from here on out. Yay!
Third: Still no luck on the job front. Hiss! I continue to rethink my desire for a real job. I mean, I need one. Desperately. But as job after job passes me by, I become more and more convinced that it's never going to happen. So I need another option for making a living. So I need to start actively pursuing other options for making a living. It's going to be hard and I'm terrified that I'm going to fail, but what other options do I have? And until I succeed in my "other option" I need to continue applying for real jobs. Blah. I hate that life's so complicated.
Fourth: Moving the odds on the job front in my favor a bit is the fact that my local county library system is opening up a new branch and will have LOTS of jobs open for application at the end of the year. Also working those odds is the fact that the city library for which I work will be having a number of full time jobs open up at the end of the year due to retirements. Possibilities abound!
Fifth: Despite the fact that I just ate nachos made by my younger brother, this month I'm focusing on cleaning up my diet. I really want to feed myself a mostly plant-based diet of minimally processed foods, you know? I feel better when I do. Plus, I want to lose some weight.* I'm also thinking of starting intermittent fasting for spiritual purposes, but I haven't decided on that yet.
Sixth: I've decided to go deeper into my spiritual and magical practices. Actually, I've been working on this for the past few months and I've come to something of a crossroads. Now it's time for me to take the next step** and start actively becoming who I want to be. So I'm taking a greater, more active*** hand in my life and recovering much that I've lost to depression these past almost two decades. I will no longer sit on the sidelines of my own life.
Seven: Even though I'm basically broke because my uvula thing last month caused me to lose nearly a week's worth of work and thus a week's worth of pay, I managed to come into some spending money today so I purchased the Samhain Ritual Vault and some Flying Ointment from Skelton Key Shop. I'm pretty excited about it, and already have plans for use. The bath bombs in the Vault won't do me any good since I don't have a tub, so I'll gift them to friends that do. But everything else will come in very handy. I'd like to subscribe to Moon Box as my two best friends also subscribe to it, but I'm not confident I can afford it right now. Maybe next month.
Eight: My memoir writing class starts this Tuesday! I'm prepared. Mostly. I'm excited. Also extra hours mean extra pay in November.****
*Okay, I want to lose a significant amount of weight, but "some" will do to start.
**This is the overall theme to my life right now.
***I guess the keyword here is "active"
****Yeah, I only get paid once a month. Have I not mentioned that before?